Monday, 16 June 2008

Goodbye to sailor who died with valor

Nearly 700 sailors, co-workers and friends crowded into the Clear Lake United Methodist Church on Thursday to say goodbye to veteran seaman Roger Stone, who died saving the lives of two students as their sailboat capsized in stormy seas.

"Roger was my friend and he demonstrated uncommon valor," Mike Janota, Stone's sailing partner for 25 years, told those at the memorial service.

Stone, 53, was the first to recognize that the keel had dropped off the Texas A&M University at Galveston sailboat, the Cynthia Woods, at about 11:45 p.m. Friday during a race from Galveston to Veracruz, Mexico.

Realizing that they had only seconds before the boat capsized, Stone hustled students Steven Guy and Travis Wright into the gangway.

Stone pushed Guy out as water rushed in, enabling Guy to struggle to safety underwater by grabbing the wheel and pulling himself toward the stern.

Known for his coolness in the face of danger, Stone had saved lives before.

"Roger was a hero well before the weekend," said the Rev. Tony Vinson during the service.

Vinson recounted how in a race two years ago Stone was disqualified after he dropped his sail and turned on his motor to help a competitor whose sailboat was dismasted and its crew thrown into the water, in danger of being swept onto the rocks.

"He basically put himself out of the race," to help the stricken crew, Janota said in an interview.

Stone's sailing skills were legendary.

Janota recalled a race in which a boat with a deeper draft was gaining on them and Janota wanted to maneuver the boat to cut off their competitor.

But Stone calmly calculated their relative positions with a cheap, aging GPS device and told Janota to stay on course. Predicting their opponent would strike the shallow bottom, Stone said, "He's going to run aground just about now," Janota recalled.

"He literally called it on the second."

Roger Winslow Stone was born in London, the son of Doris Lacy Stone, now 90, and the late Richard Winslow Stone. He was raised in Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., a suburb of New York City.

He got his first taste of sailing after his father purchased a 13-foot, French-made open hulled sailboat, said his sister, Valerie Stone, 54, of Boston.

After graduating from Bellevue Community College in Bellevue, Wash., with a degree in biomedical photography, Stone accepted a photography job in 1980 at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.

He met his wife, Linda, in 1987 during a racing event and they were married on June 15, 1990, in Veracruz.

In Galveston he immersed himself in his life's passion, sailing, winning many offshore sailing trophies, family and friends said.

But his devotion to his children, Eric, 14, and Elizabeth, 12, was stronger than his love of sailing, family and friends said. Janota recalled him announcing unabashedly to a room of shocked sailors that he would not race in one of the most important races of the year because he had to accompany his daughter on an Indian Princess outing.

His ashes will be scattered at sea Saturday, Janota said.

Tu 144

Tu 144

Tu 95

Tu 95

Sunday, 15 June 2008

16 and Sailing Around the World

From the first day Zac Sunderland said hello to planet earth, it seems he was destined to live the sailor's life. Brought home from the hospital to his first home, a 55' Tradewind in Marina del Rey, California, he was assigned his first bunk and listened to his mom tell the world of his birth over a single side-band radio...he never looked back.

Born to a family of yachtsmen and shipwrights, Zac quickly grew sea legs, and at an early age was deciphering Lat/Longs, not streets and avenues. His three wheeler youth was substituted with hoisting mains, jibs and mizzens.

As he grew more confident under his dad's tutelage, Zac joined the family on sailing adventures to Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Mexico; there, developing not only his sailing skills but also adding to his experience with other cultures. When his shipwright father purchased a 51' Aleutian, Zac worked with him to outfit it for the cruising life, and after 6 months the family left for a 3 year cruise of the Channel Islands, Baja California and mainland Mexico. This period in Zac's life was the epiphany that all young men could envy. It instilled in him a love of the sailing life, a deep respect for the ocean, and the commitment and drive to pursue his dream; to someday circumnavigate the globe, single-handed.

Since then, 16 year old Zac Sunderland, a homeschooled A student, has been preparing himself physically and mentally for that dream. He has been racing, crewing and delivering yachts of all sizes and value. He crews for delivery captains up and down the west coast, often given sole responsibility for navigating, sail trim and resolving mechanical problems. In between studies and crewing, Zac will work on marina yachts, either on his own or under the wing of his shipwright father, up in the crow's nest installing or repairing rigging, down below on a thru hull fitting, or maybe overhauling a diesel engine. Zac has recently purchased an Islander 36 with his savings and is in the process of aquiring sponsors to aid in the outfitting of the boat for world cruising. His experience and knowledge are broad and deep.



Grumann F-14D

Antonov 12

Antonov 12

Picture of the Beriev Bartini VVA 14 aircraft

Picture of the Beriev Bartini VVA 14 aircraft

CCCP-19172 Yes, that's an aircraft. Anti-submarine ground-effect hydroplane designed in 1972. This monster looks horrible even with wings and without - like now - it is total 'nightmare'. But it is rather interesting and cognitive. And good confirmation of true phrase - ugly airplanes don't fly.

Picture of the Tupolev Tu-128 aircraft


Saturday, 14 June 2008

Monday, 19 May 2008





香港最新失業率降至3.3%,就業不足率也降至1.8%,均是超過10年以來的最低位。總就業人數升至354萬人,總勞動人口也增至366萬人。 張建宗指出,在知識型經濟的發展下,繼續致力提升本地工人的技術及質素。






Friday, 16 May 2008

What a wonderful world

Einstein on God

A letter written by Albert Einstein, in which the renowned physicist described religious beliefs as "childish superstitions", has been sold at auction to a private collector for a record breaking £170,000.

Hopeful bidders packed the room at Bloomsbury Auctions in Mayfair, which installed an additional 11 phone lines to cater for demand from international buyers.

Bids rapidly soared beyond the guide price of £6,000 to £8,000.

The letter was written to philosopher Eric Gutkind in January 1954 a year before Einstein's death. The Nobel physicist described God as the "product of human weakness" and the Bible as "childish".

"The word 'God' is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, [and] the Bible a collection of honourable but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish," said Einstein in the letter.

Einstein also dismissed the notion that the Jews are God's chosen people. " As far as my experience goes, they are no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them."

Bloomsbury Auctions spokesman Richard Caton said that the auction house was "100 per cent certain" of the letter's authenticity.

Einstein was born into a Jewish family in Germany in 1879 and started questioning conventional religion at the age of 12 after going through a devout phase in his early years.

Thursday, 15 May 2008




California dreamin

all the leaves are brown
and the sky is grey
I've been for a walk
on a winter's day

I'd be safe and warm
if I was in L.A
California Dreamin'
on such a winter's day

stopped into a church
I passed along the way
well, I got down on my knees
and I pretend to pray

you know the preacher likes the cold
he knows I'm gonna stay
California Dreamin'
on such a winter's day

all the leaves are brown
and the sky is grey
I've been for a walk
on a winter's day

if I didn't tell her
I could leave today
California Dreamin'
on such a winter's day x3

Friday, 25 April 2008

般 若 心 经

般 若 心 经


观自在菩萨,行深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空,度一切苦厄。 舍利子,色不异空,空不异色;色即是空,空即是色。受、想、行、识,亦复如是。舍利子,是诸法空相:不生、不灭;不垢、不净;不 增、不减。是故空中无色。无受、想、行、识;无眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意;无色、香、声、味、触、法。无眼界,乃至无意识界;无无 明,亦无无明尽;乃至无老死,亦无老死尽。无苦、集、灭、道。无智亦无得,以无所得故。菩提萨捶,依般若波罗蜜多故。心无挂碍, 无挂碍故。无有恐怖,远离颠倒梦想、究竟涅磐。三世诸佛,依般若波罗蜜多故。得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。     故知般若波罗蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是 无上咒,是无等等咒。能除一切苦,真实不虚。故说般若波罗蜜多咒,即说咒曰:"揭谛! 揭谛!波罗揭谛!波罗僧揭谛!菩提萨婆诃!"

觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅密多時,照見五蘊皆空,渡一切苦厄,舍利子,色不異空,空不異色,色即是空, 空即是色,受想行識,亦復如是,舍利子,是諸法空相 ,不生不滅,不垢不淨,不增不減,是故空中無色,無受想行識,無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法,無眼界 ,乃至無意識界,無無明,亦無無明盡,乃至無老死,亦無老死盡,無苦集滅道,無智亦無得,以無所得故, 菩提薩埵,依般若波羅密多故,心無罣礙,無罣礙故,無有恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想,究竟涅槃,三世諸佛,依般 若波羅密多故,得亞耨多羅三藐三菩提,故知般若波羅多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是無上咒,是無等等咒,能除一切苦,真實不虛。故說般若波羅密多咒,即說咒曰:揭諦揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭諦,菩提薩婆訶。




漢語叫做“到彼岸” 甚麼叫做彼岸呢?我們生活的這個世界苦多樂少,所以又叫做苦海,有些是人為的災難,有些是自然的災害,有可以避免的,有不可抗拒的,如水火刀兵,旱澇饑謹,生老病死離別苦,貪求之心不得等等,人若脫離苦海,登上佛所說的無上正等正覺的境界,為到彼岸,一個學佛者,思想境界達到如如不動,不被一切所迷,不被萬境所轉,心若真空,為到彼岸。遇事著急上火,生氣發愁,悲傷恐懼等等,是此岸,坦然無事,心平氣和,常樂常淨,是非無動於心,是彼岸。實際上,幸福和痛苦,好與壞等,全在一人之心,佛說萬法,不過是為人明心而說,法是船,覺是岸,心達明,覺至圓,也無此岸,也無彼岸。



這裡所說的心,不是心臟的心,心是一身之主宰,是人的生命之本,是見聞知覺的能源。心在人在,心去人亡,心也是天下之大本,因為人有一顆妙明之心,才能應物,產生意識,才能理解萬物,改造萬物,才能創造出一個嶄新的世界。語言文字、文化知識、科學成果、綱常倫理、宗教等等,哪一樣不是人心的產物?心是大自然賦予人的一台靈機,是世界上的萬機之母,可以這樣說,世界上如果沒有人的心,也就沒有了人類社會一切。心既然有這麼大的本領,我們就應該了解它到底是怎麼一回事?它是從何處來?它是怎麼樣的?水有源,樹有根,找到了根源,才能真正明白,真正理解,心是宇宙真空所化之靈氣,故謂之心靈。釋迦牟尼佛說,人的心性大而無所不包,細而無所不舉,天地日月,河海湖沼,一草一木,都含在如來性海之中,心不在內,亦不在外,自身肉體亦含在心內,如電燈本體亦含在電燈光內一樣,人的心能裝下整個世界而不滿。心之光體遍於五行六合之外,所以叫如來性海,萬物之形相俱映在海水之中,人的思維到那裏,心之光就到那裏。意念一動,萬里之外,心之光當下即至。心光之速為神速,超過物質之光速。孫悟空一個筋斗十萬八千里,即是此意。道教稱心為「真常」,真常應物,所以才說:「三寸氣在千般用,一但無常萬事休。」中國古典醫書「黃帝內經」稱心為「真氣」,說「天地有質,此氣了無終始」,也知道這個道理。俗語說:「心比天高」,「丹心貫日月」,「氣震山河」,「氣沖斗牛」,「氣貫長虹」,「正氣貫浩然」,老子東來紫氣滿涵關,一氣化三清等,都是形容心光之大,這裏所說的「氣」,即是真氣,而不是呼吸調息之氣,呼吸調息之氣那有這麼大的威力?心在人身來說,也不在體內,也不在體外,無在無不在,心為萬靈機,用到那兒,那兒就靈,眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意六種器官,六種功能,用那個,那個靈,同時用,同時靈,所以妙明心又叫「六根之性」。因為六種功能都源於一心。比如人用眼看物,眼只是條件,看是心看,不是眼看,就像人坐在屋內通過窗看見屋外之物,窗比作眼,室內之人比作心,窗不能看,人能看,眼不能看,心才能看,所以才把眼睛叫「心靈之窗」。人變老,心不變老。少年時代看山看水甚麼樣,老年時再看山看水還是那樣,見物之心永不老,所以才說「人老心不老」。聽的功能也是一樣,是用心來聽,不是用耳來聽,耳和眼一樣也是條件,是人體器官之一。沒有心甚麼都聽不見。比如人的心高度集中在某一事物上時,對其它事物則視而不見,聽而不聞,集中精神看書時,對電視裏演的甚麼,唱的甚麼就不清楚。不是沒聽見,是沒動心,心永遠在聽,從不停止。人睡著了也在聽,所以一叫就會醒。人的一切功能,思維的功能,記憶的功能,錄音錄像的功,放音放像的功能,以及身體各部份的感覺功能,都是妙明之心起的作用,人的妙明之心和各個器官的關係,就像電源和電器設備的關係,有電,設備就能運轉,沒有電,設備就只是擺設,毫無用處。佛留下的千經萬卷都說的是心,都是明理明心之路,千言萬語,苦口婆心,都是怕後人誤入歧途,那一部經書有叫後人對著佛的偶像燒香禱告?頂禮膜拜?更沒有說念彿的名字就能成佛,相反在「金剛經」中,佛用極具明確的語言告訴後人千萬不要那樣做:「若以色見我,以聲音求我,是人行邪道,不能見如來。」「凡所有相,皆是虛妄,若見諸相非相,即見如來。」如來二字,非指釋迦牟尼而言,是指人人之自我之心。知心者為自知之明,世界上萬事萬物都得用理來衡量。如果念佛的名字就能成佛,那麼請問宇宙之中第一位佛祖是念誰的名字才成佛的呢?念念不離心,自我之意念之念,即是佛因。沒有心,你用甚麼去念?念佛之心即是佛。念使只是降伏意念之法,心正意念正,何須用念去降伏?人們對著自己塑造的泥塑像,燒香磕頭能解決甚麼問題?這不是迷信又是甚麼?你朝拜的那個「佛」不是真佛,跪在地上磕頭的這個才是真佛童,佛即是心,心即是佛,只有明心才能成佛,要想明心,必先明理,佛以悟真空妙理而成道,理明透徹心自明,明心者不念佛也是佛,光念佛不明心之人是迷佛迷法,佛以慈悲為本,慈悲二字,但是以心為基,慈悲是指心說,慈悲之心,沒有定在出家,燒香,念經,拜佛上,是定在人的心上,慈悲之事,何時何地不能做?何人何處不能為?豈能局限在出家當和尚和燒香拜佛者的清規戒律等塵法上嗎?所以學佛者不要本末倒置。心經就是叫人找到自心,認識自心,明白自心,心經不是給後人留下的語言文字,而是留下了一顆真心,學佛者如果不認心,不煉心,不明心,佛之真傳絕矣!把語言文字當成真的,把領會語言文字當成目的,等於沒學,真空實相,不是用語言文字能夠表達出來的,全憑自參自悟,親自體會,只可意會,不可言傳,所以說開口即是妄,落筆就是假,經書上寫不出真的來,經書只是留給後人一張到達目的地的路線圈,光看圖不走路,永遠也到達不了目的地,到了目的地,這張圖也就沒有用了,為了過河到達彼岸,就要坐船,經書就是船,到了彼岸,船還有甚麼用呢?所以說「迷時千卷少,悟來一字多」。就如在美國深夜看電視節目,有很多長廣告如 Tony Robin 的 Personal Power; 如 Ten ways to succeed 等等,他們所有的 seminar 都很厲害,嘩!你說你要去上這個 seminar,你一定要去,一定要聽,就算你把它們的錄音帶、錄影帶買回來聽,日又聽,夜又聽,你會不會成功呢?你是不會成功的,你一定要去做他們所說的才會成功。這就是「道雖近,不行不至;事雖小,不為不成」的道理。我們學佛的也應如是看。










觀自在菩薩 ,即是自心求理悟真宗,由定慧開始,悟心明覺,達明心見性的內聖功夫,即是自心自參自悟,自性自一度,自心自明的功夫。是明一心見性的第一步,是明心見性的基礎。是心行覺觀,佛才把此經定名為心經。實為自心求理悟真宗,明心見性之真功,心為佛果,觀自在菩薩為佛因。








有一個故事是這樣的﹕ 從前有一個老婆婆﹐人人都叫她做哭婆﹐為甚麼呢﹖原來她每天都坐在廟 門前哭。無論是晴天或是雨天都哭。有人就問她為甚麼每天都哭呢﹖她就回答﹕我有兩個兒子﹐一個是賣雨傘的﹐一個是賣鞋的。雨天的時候賣鞋的兒子沒有生意﹐我替他擔心所以便哭。當晴天的時候賣傘的兒子沒有生意,我又替他擔心所以便哭。

人們聽了就對她說﹕唏﹗雨天的時候賣傘的兒子有生意﹐妳應該開心笑啦。 晴天的時候賣鞋的兒子有生意﹐妳更加應該笑啦。

自從哭婆聽了那人的一番說話後﹐從此就沒有人叫她做哭婆了﹐無論是晴 天或是雨天她都是開開心心的﹐人人都叫她做笑婆了。

又有一個故事是這樣的﹕ 從前有一個盲公﹐在地上拾到一隻金介子﹐他又非常不開心﹐人家都很奇 怪﹐於是就問個究竟﹐你想想他怎樣回答﹖他說﹕我是盲的也拾到金介子﹐ 開眼人一天不知拾幾多。






色是真空演變生化出來的。是與空不同的另一種表現形式。顯的時候﹐人看得見﹐摸得﹐謂之有﹐隱的時候﹐看不見﹐摸不著﹐謂之無。但實際上並不是無﹐而是隱於空﹐是另一種形式的有。比喻水﹐水就有不同的表現形式﹐雨﹐雪﹐霜﹐霧﹐冰﹐都是水﹐波浪也是水﹐水蒸氣也是水﹐這些都是有形式的水﹐水蒸氣再擴散﹐ 與空合為一體﹐眼睛看不見了﹐只看見空﹐但並不等於空中無水。即是說﹐空即是隱於空﹐色即是現於空。妙有真空乃色之本﹐萬物生生滅滅永無了期。從一種形式轉化為另一種形式。生是滅的開始﹐滅是生的開始﹐生生滅滅的一切是色﹐生色之本是真空﹐空色一體。所以說色不異空﹐空不異色﹐色即是空﹐空即是色。






前面已經說過﹐空即是有﹐有即是空﹐空和有永遠互相轉化﹐當然﹐有的轉化過程可能需要很長的時間﹐比如星球的生滅﹐恐怕得以若干萬萬年的時間才能完成。人生不過百年﹐誰也不可能看見這個轉化的全部過程。但是用理可以推出來。在這個意義上說﹐不但宇宙真空無生無滅﹐萬物也無生無滅﹐只是由一種形式轉化成另一種形式存在著。所以說萬物同體﹐誰也沒有離開這個宇宙大自然﹐既然如此﹐也就無所謂垢與淨的區別了。物轉化為真空時﹐真空並沒有增加﹐真空化為物時﹐真空也沒有減少甚麼。就像人的生育一樣﹐母生九子﹐母體並沒有少了甚麼。一個子女沒生﹐母體也沒有多出甚麼﹐道理是一樣的。也就好像物理學的能 energy 一樣﹐也是無生無滅的﹐只是由一種能轉化為另一種能同一道理。













佛說人生有八苦︰生苦﹐老苦﹐病苦﹐死苦﹐愛別離苦﹐怨憎苦﹐求不得苦﹐五蘊盛苦。集﹐就是眾苦在心﹐心中全是苦﹐滅﹐是跳出煩惱﹐諸苦全無﹐道﹐是所以能離苦得樂的原因。滅道﹐就是已達明心﹐無苦無樂的境界。苦樂乃是境﹐並非自心﹐自心如如不動﹐無苦亦無樂﹐到此地步﹐已無苦可舍﹐無集可斷﹐無滅可證﹐ 無道可修﹐故無苦集滅道。






人的生死本末﹐來龍去脈﹐以及宇宙自然千變萬化之理﹐即已明了﹐就應一無所戀﹐一無所貪﹐人間的一切幸福﹐苦厄﹐生死別離﹐俱屬幻生幻滅﹐此時此地天倫樂 ﹐散時離時兩無關﹐假的真做圓倫理﹐何真何假如是觀。明理明心法自然﹐即是心無罣礙。自心坦然自如﹐如如不動﹐就是已達到圓覺﹐已脫眾苦﹐自然也沒有恐佈。


涅槃﹐就是自心已達圓覺﹐與真空母體合而為一﹐無生無滅。 三世諸佛﹐依般若波羅密多故,得亞耨多羅三藐三菩提 過去﹐現在﹐未來﹐稱為三世。三世諸佛皆由此理而證。此理即自心自明﹐自性自度﹐依自性之定智慧﹐照自心之暗昧﹐而達明心圓覺﹐登無上界﹐與真空母體合而為一。阿耨多羅三藐三菩提﹐譯為無上正等正覺。有無上正等正覺之心即是佛。











所有的道理前面已經講清楚了﹐沒有甚麼再說的了﹐佛還怕後人不信﹐因此﹐這句話就像是佛在發誓一樣地對後人說﹕「我不會欺騙你們﹐這個道理一點也不假﹐祇要照這個道理去做﹐就一定能離苦得樂」﹐佛的慈悲之心盡矣﹐學佛者千萬不要埋沒聖賢一片心。無量大過難得悔﹐無為大法難得信。信是功德母﹐信而行﹐行而證 ﹐明心見性﹐也非難事。


(音讀-嫁爹 嫁爹 怕挪嫁爹 怕挪生嫁爹播自梳巴霞。 但讀音沒有所謂﹐有人讀 kitty kitty 波羅kitty 波羅僧kitty 菩提殺婆oh。難道是錯嗎﹖不要太著相)此句從來沒有人解過﹐所以我也不能解﹐祇接上句真實不虛四字﹐即了結了這一大因緣﹐是這場法會的結束語﹐再次囑大家﹐渡啊﹗渡啊﹗大家一起渡啊﹗達到功圓果滿。並不是當咒語日日念嫁爹嫁爹就可以得到你想要的東西。



Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Monday, 4 February 2008

Safety and Sea Survival Course


Course Syllabus

Preparation for Sea Survival
Survival, difficulties & requirements
Equipment available
Training drills
Actions prior to abandonment.

Principles of Survival
Protection in both hot and cold conditions
Water rationing and collection
Food Rationing

Survival craft ailments

Lifejackets & Liferafts
Lifejacket: - design, construction, wearing and use
Safety Harness: - design and use
Liferafts: - standards, design, launching, equipment
Actions taken whilst in liferaft.

Search & Rescue
Rescue by helicopter or vessel
Role of Coastguard
UK and International SAR Organisations
Other services

Practical Wet Drill
Liferaft launching, boarding
Survival whilst in water
Capsize drill
Final abandonment

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Power of Mumm30 vs Wauquiez Centurion 45S

Power of Mumm30 vs Wauquiez Centurion 45S
Force generate by the sail should be proportional to the sail area Larger boat has larger sail and heavier mass. Power/ mass is a parameter to compare power of different boat.
Suppose two boat generate same force/ unit sail area although the sail configuration differ.
Area of MUmm 30 sail are= 27.44+ 19.37 meter2=46.8 m2
mass of Mumm30=1950 kg A/m=0.024
Area of sail Of Centurion 45s=115 m2
Mass=10500 kg A/m=0.011

Conclusion: Mumm 30 should be faster than Centurion 45S

Monday, 21 January 2008

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Clinton and Obama draw line under race dispute

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on Tuesday sought to cool a dispute over race and civil rights that has soured their battle for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Both candidates issued conciliatory statements about each other’s commitment to civil rights as tensions over the issue threatened to damage both campaigns. The rival senators had been sucked into an escalating war of words over race since Mrs Clinton said last week that Martin Luther King’s “dream” of racial equality began to be realised only after President Lyndon Johnson pushed through civil rights legislation in 1964.

The comment was part of her argument that strong and experienced leadership is necessary in Washington to bring about change.

But some African-American leaders viewed the remarks as a slight against King’s role in the civil rights movement and an exaggeration of the contribution made by white politicians in Washington .

Mr Obama described the comments as “unfortunate” and “ill-advised”, sparking accusations from the Clinton camp that he was seeking to stir racial tensions for political gain. Mrs Clinton then sought to draw a line under the dispute when she called for Democrats to find “common ground” on race.

“When it comes to civil rights and our commitment to diversity, when it comes to our heroes – President John F. Kennedy and Dr King – Senator Obama and I are on the same side,” she said in a statement.

Mr Obama indicated that he too wanted a truce, telling reporters in Nevada, which holds caucuses on Saturday, that the campaign “shouldn’t be personal”.

“Bill and Hillary Clinton have historically and consistently been on the right side of the civil rights movement,” he said.

星影のワルツ - 千昌夫

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Yachting Australia Safety and Sea Survival Course

Syllabus Outline

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Causes of Marine Emergencies – weather, wind, swell, sea state, vessel construction and maintenance, poor seamanship, poor navigation, collision with vessels, objects, or sea life, fire, instability, abnormal health

2.0 Principles of Survival:

2.1 Principles of survival at sea for the boat and crew - prevention, protection, location, attention to basic needs, injury management, positive morale

2.2 General precautions (Blue book 1.02, 2.04, 6.01) - crew expertise, crew fitness, training, personal responsibility, skipper’s responsibility

2.3 Damage Prevention - measures while underway including regular boat and rig checks and ongoing maintenance

2.4 Planning - set procedures (see 2.6), efficient boat systems including reefing and sail setting systems, secure and accessible stowage positions (labeled), grab bag set up, efficient emergency steering system (Blue book 4.14)

2.5 Equipment (Blue book 3 and 4) - specific safety equipment, first aid equipment, safety bungs, emergency navigation lights, equipment identification

2.6 Crew briefs - safety equipment, stowage details, procedures, responsibilities

2.7 Emergency instructions and standard procedures – responsibility of skipper or sailing master –man overboard and abandon ship addressed specifically

2.8 Care and maintenance of safety equipment*(Blue book 2.03) - regular checks for wear or deterioration, storage, expiry dates, servicing

3.0 Personal Lifesaving Appliances

3.1 Lifebuoys (Blue book 4.21) – jonbuoys, danbuoys, man overboard modules, lifeslings

3.2 PFDs (Blue book 5.01) – design, construction, donning, crotch straps, whistle, types

3.3 Harnesses and Tethers (Blue book 1.02, 2.04, 6.01) – design, construction, donning, crotch straps, plain snap hooks not recommended, dual clipping, attachment points

3.4 Personal clothing (Blue book 5.04) immersion suits, thermal protective aids, retro-reflective tape

3.5 Personal EPIRBs (Blue book 5.05)

3.6 Personal lights/strobes (Blue book 5.03)

3.7 Other items – retro-reflective tape, retrieval system, heaving lines, waterproof torches, personal knives, jetsam thrown overboard

4.0 Areas of Risk and Emergencies

4.1 Preparation for rough weather – stowage, personal preparation, sail selection, jackstays (Blue book 4.03)

4.2 Rough and severe weather strategies including:

  • Boat handling - early sail changes, sail change procedures, know the boat, know its characteristics and tendencies, helming techniques, heaving-to
  • Assessment options – eg stand off or cross a barred entrance
  • Crew routines- hooking on before leaving hatchway, working in exposed positions remaining hooked on at all times, telling someone before going forward, use of torches or lighting for deckwork, PFDs and harnesses on at night, torches on deck, personal EPIRB on person at all times on deck - relief arrangements and watch alterations
  • Damage prevention, control and repair - risk assessment, equipment spares, spare materials, tools, specific prevention procedures eg reef safety strops

4.3 Use of storm equipment including:

  • Drogues* (Blue book Appendix E)
  • Storm sails* (Blue book 4.24) - selection and procedures know your boat, know its tendencies and characteristics

4.4 Galley operations (Blue book 3.15) – precautions and safety procedures, lee strops, protection clothing, fuel supply, rough weather food

4.5 Emergencies and strategies to address:

  • Disabled vessel/severe damage
  • Loss of mast
  • Loss of rudder/steering (Blue book 4.14)
  • Loss of keel
  • Fire
  • Man overboard*(Blue book 4.26, Appendix B)
  • Flooding
  • Capsize/knock-down
  • Giving assistance to other craft*

5.0 Abandoning Ship (Liferafts)* - Preparation & planning for "The Last Resort"

5.1 Decision to abandon ship as last resort (Blue book Appendix A, 4.19, 4.20)

5.2 Personal preparation - donning PFD, clothing, hardness

5.3 Crew duties - Procedures and responsibilities

5.4 Grab bags and extra items - Grab bags, food, water containers, cushions, blankets, handheld VHF

5.5 Launching of survival craft^ - Manual launch or hydrostatic release devices

5.6 Boarding survival craft from vessel and water - Precautions to take

5.7 Entering the water wearing a PFD - Precautions to take

5.8 Survival techniques in the water - Strategies for survival in the water

5.9 Liferaft - construction, function, standards, and recommended equipment

5.10 Initial actions upon on boarding liferaft

5.11 Deployment of drogue - Using the drogue

5.12 Assisting injured persons and survivors into the liferaft - AMSA and RYA

5.13 Deploying EPIRB (Blue book 4.18) - Features of an EPIRB

5.14 Dangers to survivors - including illnesses and marine life

5.15 Best use of liferaft facilities - Features of liferaft

5.16 Righting an inverted liferaft

5.17 Manoeuvring liferaft

5.18 Need to maintain watch - durites of the watch

5.19 Psychology of survival – trauma, effects of death, delusion, emotional instability, need for team cohesion, leadership roles, routines, positive approach, prevention and preparation (visualisation, drills)

5.20 Physiology of survival – shock, drowning, exposure, hypothermia, injury, dehydration, starvation, reduced physical functioning (metabolism, mobility, strength, human waste, constipation), sea sickness, dangers (sharks, fish, jelly fish)

6.0 Search and Rescue*

6.1 Search and Rescue authorities and agencies

6.2 Communications – air rescue, sea rescue

6.3 Need to assist rescue – flares, warnings about their use, EPIRBs, distress signals, smoke, communication

6.4 Search procedures and patterns – green flares at night, aircraft acknowledgement

6.5 Overhead rescue from vessel/raft/water

6.6 Rescue by surface vessels

7.0 Use of Pyrotechnics* (Blue book 4.22)

7.1 Types and purposes

7.2 Firing/ignition mechanisms - Practical demonstration

7.3 Hazards & dangers of use

8.0 Weather Forecasts and Meteorology*

8.1 Sources of weather forecasts

8.2 Terms and definitions used in forecasts

8.3 Wind & sea state scales - Beaufort wind scale

8.4 Weather systems and sea conditions

8.5 Instruments for onboard observation – Barometer (Blue book 3.26)

8.6 Visual monitoring of atmospheric changes and sea state for local forecasting

9.0 Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting* (Blue book 4.04)

9.1 Fire Theory -The fire tetrahedron and how fire spreads

9.2 Prevention^ - Good house keeping

9.3 Equipment^ - Fire extinguishers, fire blankets, serviced, tested, maintained

9.4 Methods^ - Steps to fighting a fire

10.0 Emergency Communications *(Blue book 3.24) Marine Radio Certificate – 2 members of crew

10.1 VHF – Listening watch, handhelds

10.2 GMDSS - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

10.3 Satcom

11.0 First Aid and Early Management of Injury or Illness (Blue book 4.07) Senior First Aid – 2 members of crew

11.1 Injury or illness

11.2 Hypothermia (Blue book Appendix C)

11.3 Seasickness

11.4 Medical assistance – medical kit, extra medication, waterproof containers

12.0 Duty of Care (Blue book 1.02)

12.1 Duty of Care of Owners/Skippers - Blue Book recommendations

12.2 Occupational Health and Safety Legislation - State and Federal

12.3 Employee/employer responsibilities

12.4 Importance of keeping records

12.5 Training and periodic practice - long overnight races in preparation,Safety_and_Sea_Survival/1002/1098